
Showing posts from May, 2014

ENERGY DAY CONFERENCE "Sustainable energy education from the very early years"

Sustainable energy education from the very early years Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education &  Museum of Science and Technology of University of Patras Friday 13 th June 2014, 17.00 – 21.00 Amphitheater of Museum of Science and Technology of University of Patras This meeting is addressed to preschool and primary teachers in order to inform them about energy matters and how they could incorporate in their teaching the subject of energy and particularly the subject of renewable sources of energy. The meeting includes two parts. In the first part researchers on renewable sources of energy from the University of Patras (Greece) will be reported in the research they conduct and the dissemination of the produced knowledge in the society and the education. Also, researchers in science education will introduce the notion of didactical transformation of this knowledge in knowledge suitable for children of ear...